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Jodi's Classroom Favorites

A collection of my favorite picture, short story, and chapter books that I hope to house in my classroom library!

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand - Robert Lawson, Munro Leaf

The story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf tells the delightful account of a young bull named Ferdinand. With the story taking place sometime in Spain, the reader might assume that Ferdinand is destined to be a matador. However, young Ferdinand is unique. While his peers run, fight, and play, "Ferdinand likes to sit under his tree just so and smell the flowers" (Leaf). The simple illustrations by Newberry award winning illustrator, Robert Lawson, might seem plain - but but do not be deceived! Hidden gems and details beg the reader to revise the text. I would love to use this book to study Spanish culture. One of the more interesting ideas I found to accompany this text is a study on cork, which can be found here: https://www.weareteachers.com/8-fun-activities-celebrate-story-ferdinand/


Guided Reading - K

Lexile - AD760L

DRA - 18

AR - 3.7